Blog 73: Historical Analysis: The Navy’s Ground Shark- the Grumman A-6 Intruder
Historical breakdown of the Grumman A-6 Intruder attack aircraft
Blog 65: Christmas Markets, A Cultural Phenomenon
An explanation of the amazing Christmas markets in Germany especially centering on Frankfurt-am-Main.
Blog 61: The Birth & Development & Popularity of Business Class
The development of Business class!
Blog 60: My Newest Interview Is Up & Now Live!
A brief introduction of me and my service to a business magazine - interview
Blog 53: Biggest Fears (and Solutions to those Fears) of Flying
How to Deal with a Fear of Flying and offered solutions to those fears
Blog 49: 8/26/23: Historical Deep-dive: The Douglas Slow-But-Deadly, SBD Dauntless Dive-bomber
The story of the Slow But Deadly SBD Dauntless Dive Bomber!
Blog 47: 8/9/23: Highlighting some of the best First Class Airline Seats in the World
Highlighting the Best First-Class Seats in the Air!
Blog 18: 2/15/2023: Overview of Airports I’ll be Visiting
An overview of the airports I’ll be visiting